Panama Canal

panama canalSix immense locks raise and lower cruise ships passing through the Panama Canal. The canal was originally constructed in 1814 as it saved ships about 8,000 miles when they needed to cross from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and vice versa. Use your interline discounts to cruise aboard a cruise ship as it passes through this amazing canal. An expert will teach you about the process along with the costly history of the canal which claimed 25,000 lives during its construction.

Use your interline rates to choose a Panama Canal cruise that meets your needs the best, as there are different options. Some people enjoy leaving and returning to Florida. Choosing this option allows you to pass through the first set of locks before cruising through beautiful Gatun Lake and then stopping in Cristobal, Puerto Limon and Grand Cayman. Some cruises head north from ports in Florida allowing you to see the United States first.

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